Sisterhood Share Club

Contribute-Share Your 'Life Lesson'

What is 'Sisterhood Share Club?'

'Sisterhood Share Club' is a 'Sisterhood Sharing Sessions' original. Members are made up of a diverse community of amazing women who have made a commitment or pledge to contribute to the empowerment of all women and young girls through the act of sharing everyday 'Life Lessons Learned' or lend support to women's causes for the purpose of strengthening and connecting a 'Global Sisterhood' as a Sisterhood Share Club Contributing Member/Contributor.

Sisterhood Share Club 'Brand Identity'-Women Empowerment Through Action. The Brand symbolizes a movement sparked by a commitment or pledge to support empowerment for all women and young girls through action. All who contribute through the act of sharing 'Life Lessons Learned' or lends support to causes that empower women, embrace this brand identity.

Join The Movement. Make The Pledge.


The Pledge (Commitment) | 'I proudly contribute to women empowerment through the act of sharing knowledge from 'Life Lessons Learned' or lending support to women's causes.

Why Be A Part Of  'Sisterhood Share Club?'


Knowledge is Power

By offering your 'Life Lessons', we believe you directly contribute to the empowerment of all women who have continual access to view shared lessons, strengthening a 'Global Sisterhood'.

Feel Connected

The shared pledge to empower all women through the act of sharing personal 'Life Lessons Learned' with a diverse community of women, offers a sense of continual connectedness among all who participate.

Virtual Membership

Through this centralized virtual membership, 'Sisterhood Share Club' hopes to reinvigorate a sense of unity among all women that offers a sense of community. The act of sharing everyday 'Life Lessons Learned', from finances & career, health, food & fitness, to handy household tips with a global community of diverse women, inspires trust. This act bridges a connection with those who make the same commitment to share life lessons, and those who benefit through having access to those shared experiences.

What It Means To Be A Member 

There are three types of Members:

Contributing Member  (Contributor)

A contributing member is any woman who has graciously offered at least one 'Life Lesson Learned' via completion of the 'Sisterhood Share' Life Lessons Learned Submission Form, to support ease of continual access for viewing, and benefiting from shared experiences. Sharing or pledging your lesson through this process, confirms your understanding you will be recognized as a proud 'Contributing Member/Contributor' of Sisterhood Sharing Sessions 'Sisterhood Share Club'. As such, your lesson will appear on 'Sisterhood Share' page in a 'Contributing Member' Category Link showcasing the name offered with the lesson. Your life lesson may also be presented as a 'featured lesson' on the same page, and other venues as outlined in 'Terms and Conditions' for sharing.

Additional 'Contributing Member' (Contributor) Opportunities

I. Meetup Group**

Join our Sisterhood Sharing Sessions 'Meetup' group, with routine in-person Life Lessons Learning Series and Social Sessions. You may also sign up and participate in any live broadcast of Life Lessons Learning Series when offered.

II. Sisterhood Share Club Campaign For Women Empowerment

Support organizations committed to women's causes through the on-going 'Sisterhood Sharing Sessions'-Sisterhood Share Club Campaign For Women Empowerment.

That's it. You are now connected to a virtual 'Global Sisterhood' of amazing women.

*Honorary Member

We honor, and recognize all of the wonderful individuals, businesses, and organizations who have made an indelible mark in the lives of so many women and young girls, and whose works, deeds, or lessons and their impact for women empowerment is known and appreciated around the world.

These individuals, businesses, and organizations will be routinely acknowledged in 'Sisterhood Sharing Sessions' Honorary Members ' Category Link.

*Automatic Member

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: We acknowledge that everyday women around the world offer insightful lessons to daughters, friends, family, and community members alike that empower and inspire, and as such, we proudly embrace all women as Members of Sisterhood Sharing Sessions 'Sisterhood Share Club'.

*No 'Life Lessons Learned' submission required.


Is There A Cost To Being A Member of 'Sisterhood Share Club?'


No.  There is no cost to be a member of 'Sisterhood Share Club', as specified in the three (3) types of Memberships identified above.

**May have associated 'Event Maintenance Fees'.

©Sisterhood Share Club
©Sisterhood Share Club