Sisterhood Sharing Sessions wants to make it easy for all women to be a part of our 'Sisterhood Share Club', and the pledge or commitment to empower women through action by supporting their favorite organizations who champion women's causes, promoting good heart health, or sharing knowledge from 'Life Lessons Learned'.
To encourage action for our 'Women Empowerment Campaign' areas of focus, we have compiled a list of non-profit and other organizations that may assist in your commitment to advance and bring awareness to women's causes.
In addition, we have scheduled on-going events that focus on improving women's heart-health. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women each year across all ages and origins in the U.S. according to the CDC, and among the leading cause of overall deaths globally per WHO statistics.
Finally, as part of our primary area of focus and mission to empower women through action, we offer continual access to share knowledge from 'Life Lessons Learned' with a community of amazing women across the globe on an array of topics via our online 'Sisterhood Sharing Sessions' virtual platform.
Pink Power Pledge
Volunteer, Donate, or Promote Causes committed to Women Empowerment.
Join The Movement. Make The Pledge.
We have compiled a list of non-profit and other organizations committed to women empowerment that may assist you in your commitment to support 'Women Empowerment Through Action'. We will review and update or change out periodically.
BORIS LAWRENCE HENSON FOUNDATION-The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation's vision is to eradicate the stigma around mental health issues in the African-American Community.
SAFE ALLIANCE-The mission of Safe Alliance is to provide hope and healing to those impacted by domestic violence and sexual assault.
RAINN-(Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization.
NNEDV-(National Network To End Domestic Violence) is a social change organization, is dedicated to creating a social, political, and economic environment in which violence against women no longer exists.
THORN-We work to stop the spread of child sexual abuse material and stand up to child traffickers. We’re also uncovering new kinds of abuse, and fighting those too.
GIRLS WHO CODE-Girls Who Code was founded with a single mission:
to close the gender gap in technology.
Neither Sisterhood Sharing Sessions nor its affiliates have any affiliation with organizations listed under the 'Pink Power Pledge' campaign commitment. Any decision to support is the complete discretion of each individual or organization.
'Pledge To Support Women's Causes'
~Pink Power Pledge
Sisterhood Strength Stride
Our goal and original motto exclusive to our cause, 'Strengthen Heart Health One Stride At A Time'. The focus, healthy strides, which are considered 100 steps per minute for 10 minutes.
Our 'Sisterhood Share Club' American Heart Association Meetup event, October 17th, 2020 marked the official launch for Sisterhood Sharing Sessions ‘Sisterhood Strength Stride’. An on-going 'Heart Health' initiative established on June 27, 2018, sparked by the act of walking in healthy strides that help activate the heart towards good health.
Visit the American Heart Association’s information portal to educate yourself on ways to improve heart health through exercise and healthy eating.
Watch 'Stroke Has No Age Requirement' video regarding the F.A.S.T. method for identifying signs of a stroke, part of the American Heart Association's video library series.
Take action towards a healthy heart.
- Start daily walks to ignite good heart health.
- Join our weekly walk team. Walk with your 'Sisterhood Strength Stride' tribe every Sat via a virtual 'Meetup' experience.
- Walk alone or invite family & friends. Walk any time, anywhere.
- Share your walk experience on social media using our exclusive Hashtags #SisterhoodStrengthStride, #SisterhoodStrengthStrider, or #SisterhoodStrider to feel connected to the community of amazing women walking with you from around the country and around the globe.
- Practice healthy heart eating habits found on our recommended links.
- Participate in our Sisterhood 'Meetup' sessions on 'Women's Health' when scheduled.
'Strengthen Heart Health One Stride At A Time'.
~Sisterhood Strength Stride
Sisterhood Share Club
As we learn, all women have a unique opportunity to empower forward. We believe through the act of sharing knowledge from ‘Life Lessons Learned’ you directly contribute to empowering and inspiring all women who have continual access to view shared lessons, strengthening a Global Sisterhood.
A ‘Life Lesson‘ could be related to any circumstance in which you went through something and came out on the other side with experience for what worked well or not so well, a ‘Best Practice’ for life, or a quote or mantra that motivates and inspires.
Complete the ‘Sisterhood Share’ Life Lessons Learned Submission Form. Your Life Lesson may be featured on the ‘Sisterhood Share’ page. By submitting your lesson, you will automatically be recognized as a ‘Contributing Member‘ of Sisterhood Sharing Sessions ‘Sisterhood Share Club’.
Empower Forward:
Support our movement to support, empower, and inspire all women. Share your Life Lessons Learned, SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel, and FOLLOW US on Social Media. ~Thank you.