1st Annual ‘Ladies Lovefest’ Weekend Event
This Valentines Day, celebrate Sisterhood with a ‘Ladies Lovefest’ weekend, Saturday, February 16th. We are starting with a Ladies Lovefest Luncheon from 11:30-1:30. Later, we’re finding romance with Rebel Wilson with a Sisterhood Cinema Matinee showing of the Romantic Comedy, ‘Isn’t It Romantic’ starting at 2:00 p.m.
What Is A ‘Ladies Lovefest’
The definition of ‘Lovefest’ is an occasion to show mutual appreciation and admiration for someone. Our ‘Ladies Lovefest’ is celebrating the support of a ‘Sisterhood’ by connecting and socializing with women you admire and respect, and sharing favorite quotes, poems, or Friendship and Sisterhood moments that empower and inspire. In the spirit of love, embrace the opportunity to elevate a community of women and remind them just how wonderful they are.
Visit our Charlotte Sisterhood Meetup events portal for details and RSVP information.