Should You Get Rid Of The Landline To Save Money
Should You Get Rid Of The Landline To Save Money

Sisterhood Saving Solutions | Life Lessons Learned: Finances-Should You Get Rid Of The Landline

What I’ve Learned

Before making the decision to get rid of the Landline to save money, consider the pros and cons. A Landline connection may be more reliable than some Cellular Networks. In most areas of the country, your home address is automatically identified and located through your Home Number or Landline for 911 call dispatch.

Get Rid Of The Landline

Intended Use

Other than seemingly an antiquated notion for communications in a hyper-technological society, having a Landline is becoming more of an accessible window for unsolicited Marketing than its intended use of connecting with family and friends.

While there are certainly saving opportunities in eliminating your Home Phone, there should be consideration given based on your own personal situation, whether or not you should get rid of the Landline to save money solely.

Valid Arguments

There are valid arguments as to why you may consider not getting rid of your Landline, and privacy, safety, and security may be a part of that decision. The exercise of weighing the pros and cons will hopefully offer a clear choice, based on your priorities for in-home phone use.

Weighing The Pros | Security

  1. In most areas of the country, your home address is automatically identified and located through your Home Phone Number or Landline for 911 Call Dispatch. That said, your Alarm Company offers this same Alarm Triggered Dispatch service for your Mobile phone. You will need to ensure your Alarm Permit with local Police Alarm Management is updated annually per notification received via mail. Go through your ‘Home Security‘ service to activate or confirm this service.
  2. A Home Phone with a cord attachment option alleviates the concern of a call disruption due to a dead battery.
  3. Landline offers a more consistent connection via Cable Networks with the potential for less dropped calls due to signal failure, that may offer more of a sense of reliability, safety, and security.

Weighing The Cons | Cost 

  1. Unless you pay an extra service fee your Home Phone Number and the associated address is automatically public record.
  2. Phone lines may be disrupted during a bad storm.
  3. Unwanted Marketing solicitations.
  4. The monthly cost associated with a service you may rarely or never utilize that adds up over time.

The number of reasons why you should or should not get rid of your Landline is clearly a close call. There may be more factors to consider.

Save Money 

These days, there are several alternative options should you make the decision to get rid of the Landline, most notably the use of a Cellular device. Whatever you choose, rather internet calling, satellite phones, etc., the decision to save money should not be the only factor. A review process should always take place to determine what works best based on your communications priority.

The decision to get rid of the Landline is a savings of approximately $25 a month. That’s $300 per year and $1500 over a five-year period. Always consider the effectiveness of your Cell Phone Service Provider where an emergency backup phone may be necessary to choose security over savings.

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