Sisterhood Share Club 'Honorary Member' Ashton Kutcher
Sisterhood Share Club ‘Honorary Member’ Ashton Kutcher
Power Of Women | Sisterhood Share Club ‘Honorary Member’ Ashton Kutcher

Sisterhood Share Club: A Pledge | ‘I Proudly Contribute To The Empowerment Of All Women And Young Girls’

Ashton Kutcher | Sisterhood Share Club ‘Honorary Member’

When you think of Ashton Kutcher many things may come to mind  that includes Actor, handsome but unassuming, funny and perhaps if you were a fan of his hit Television Show ‘Punk’d’, you may think him to be quite the jokester. While he may be all those things, he is also a fierce Advocate for young girls that have fallen victim to the ‘Child Sex Trafficking’ trade. It is for his work fighting for young girls and young children in general that cannot fight for themselves, and have been taken into the harsh and dangerous world of ‘Child Sex Trafficking‘  that Sisterhood Sharing Sessions recognizes Ashton Kutcher as a Sisterhood Share Club ‘Honorary Member’ .

Aston Kutcher | Activist And Advocate

Ashton Kutcher | Activist
Ashton Kutcher | Activist

While there have been scattered stories for many years regarding the horrific and brutal world of ‘Child Sex Trafficking’, the efforts of Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore may be among the most targeted, focused and well-publicized. Together they co-founded an organization called THORN utilizing advanced Technology with a software tool named ‘Spotlight’ to end this practice of taking young children away from the safety of their family and neighborhoods, into a harsh and unthinkable world of modern day slavery in the form of ‘Child Sex Trafficking’.

So, what is THORN:

Digital Defenders of Children, previously known as DNA Foundation, is an international anti-human trafficking organization that works to address the sexual exploitation of children. The primary programming efforts of the organization focus on Internet technology and the role it plays in facilitating child pornography and sexual slavery of children on a global scale. (

Bringing Awareness To Child Sex Trafficking

Ashton Kutcher gave an incredibly heart-warming speech when he passionately spoke before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on ending modern slavery and human trafficking. At the time he addressed the Senate, his team’s Technology accordingly to Kutcher’s testimony had “Identified over 6,000 Trafficking victims, 2,000 of which were minors”.

A 48Hours segment, ‘Live To Tell-Trafficked’ gave viewers an opportunity to hear first hand accounts of the underground sex trade in America from survivors. The segment also introduced the amazing work Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore were doing to end ‘Child Sex Trafficking’ through technology.

Ashton Kutcher | Advocate-THORN Organization

Visit the THORN website at  ‘’ for more on Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore’s mission to end the global epidemic of ‘Child Sex Trafficking’.

Ashton Kutcher, thank you for being such a fierce advocate for the safety of young girls. We are proud to call you an Sisterhood Share Club ‘Honorary Member’. 

View ‘Sisterhood Share Club’ Honorary Members List 

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