Heart Health Walk

Heart Health Walk

An invitation to participate in our ‘Sisterhood Strength Stride’ Heart Health Walk’. We are partnering with the ‘American Heart Association’ Go Red For Women 2020 Virtual Heart Walks’ to bring awareness and raise monies for women’s heart health research. Our Sisterhood Share Club has joined the ‘2020 Cape Fear Heart Walk Digital Experience’ event, scheduled for Saturday, October 17.

How To Participate

Participation is easy. Visit our American Heart Association team page at Sisterhood Strength Stride for donation or fundraising opportunities and participate in our ‘Virtual Walk’ experience from anywhere you are. You may also join our Sisterhood Sharing Sessions ‘Meetup’ for our Sisterhood Share Club in-person group walk. Our team will also offer a ‘Walk Only’ experience for anyone who wishes to contribute in other ways.

*Share a link to the American Heart Association’s information portal and your Heart Walk experience on your social media platforms using the hashtag #SisterhoodStrengthStride and #HeartWalk the day of our walk, October 17, 2020, for all options below:

Participation Options and Detail

  1.  Donate or Fundraise And Walk Access our American Heart Association team page at Sisterhood Strength Stride. Make a personal donation or choose ‘Join This Team’ to fundraise for our ‘Heart Walk’. Then, for the virtual experience, walk where you are anytime on the day of our event or join our ‘Meetup’ group from option two (2), for an in-person team experience. All donations made go directly to the American Heart Association. *Share the experience on your social media platforms using hashtags and the link to the American Heart Association noted above.
  2. Bring Awareness-Team Virtual Or In-Person Walk Only: Access our Sisterhood Sharing Sessions ‘Meetup’ page. Join and RSVP to participate in our ‘Sisterhood Share Club’ virtual or in-person ‘Heart Walk’. *Share the experience on your social media platforms using hashtags and the link to the American Heart Association noted above.
  3. Bring Awareness-Independent Virtual Walk Only:  To simply support our virtual ‘Heart Walk’ for women’s health without joining our ‘Meetup’, walk where you are anytime on the date of our event. *Share the experience on your social media platforms using hashtags and the link to the American Heart Association noted above.

That’s it! You have just made an important contribution in empowering women towards good heart health through information sharing, or donations for research.

Ongoing Heart Health Initiative: This event marks the official launch for Sisterhood Sharing Sessions ‘Sisterhood Strength Stride’, our on-going heart health initiative established on June 27, 2018, sparked by the act of walking in ‘Healthy Strides’ that help activate the heart towards good health. Our original tagline exclusive to our cause,  ‘Strengthen heart health one stride at a time’.

Why We Walk

Our ‘Sisterhood Share Club’ Contributors are proud to walk as a collective for any woman that has been impacted by heart disease and to bring awareness as an act of prevention for all women. We walk for Mothers, Daughters, Sisters, Aunts, and Friends of women from all walks and stations in life to empower women towards good heart health.

Heart Walk-Sisterhood Strength Stride-Women's Health Event

According to the American Heart Association, ‘Heart disease and stroke cause 1 in 3 deaths among women each year-more than all cancers combined.’ Our ‘Sisterhood Share Club’ Contributors are comprised of an amazing community of women inspired to support organizations committed to women’s causes.

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer worldwide and stroke ranks second globally. Please join our team or donate today and help us change this statistic.

The Heart Walk is a time of celebration, joy, and inspiration. People unified in support of a single goal: to see a world free of heart disease and stroke.

Be a Heart Walk Hero with us and together we’ll help save lives.

Sisterhood Health And Wellness 4-Part Series

The Month of October will be our official ‘Sisterhood Health And Wellness’ 4-Part Series. Each Saturday during the month of October, Sisterhood Sharing Sessions will offer virtual and in-person outdoor physical distance wellness events for our Sisterhood Share Club ‘Contributors’ to come together to share, learn, participate and support best practices for staying healthy.

Make plans to participate. Schedule and details below:

Health And Wellness Events

Part 1-Sat Oct 3-Social Health-The quality and quantity of our interactions with others affect our mental and physical wellbeing (HIF Australia)

Part 2-Sat Oct 10-Healthy Eating-Partnered with ‘Healthy For Life’ community, a division of the ‘American Heart Association’ for tips on eating habits that support heart health

Part 3-Sat Oct 17-Heart Health Walk-Partnering with ‘American Heart Association’ for Virtual Walk (Participate wherever you are)

Part 4-Sat Oct 24-Spiritual Health-‘Sisterhood Share Club’ guest speaker, inspirational Author Cheryle Ricks will share insights on her books

Team In-Person Walk Experience

You may also join our Sisterhood Share Club group of in-person participants. Information for the location of our walk together will be made available to those who RSVP through our Sisterhood Sharing Sessions Women Sharing Knowledge Meetup portal.

For Your Safety

For your safety and those around you, as a COVID-19 precaution, our in-person participation for the ‘Heart Walk’ will be limited to 10 participants per break-out groups. Masks required and must cover both nose and mouth at all times. A physical distance of 6FT or more during the outdoor walk will be monitored as an additional safety precaution.

Sisterhood Sharing Sessions | Official Page Logo



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