Power Of Women | Sisterhood Sharing Sessions: Safety And Security-Know The Differences In Women’s Pull-Pin Safety Devices

What I’ve Learned

Not all Pull-Pin Safety Devices are created equal. Some are designed to remain on your person once the pin is pulled to sound alarm help is needed. While others are meant to be thrown away from your person while the device sounds. Understand the differences and know which works best for you.

Women’s Pull-Pin Safety Devices

There is  large selection of Women’s Pull-Pin Safety Devices to choose from. They come in an array of sizes, shapes, colors, and sounds. Which ever one you choose, be sure you know and understand the differences for intended use. Once the process for device use is confirmed, decide which safety device works best for you. Most importantly, practice use of device per lesson shared by CMPD Officer K. Brooks during a recent Sisterhood Sharing Sessions ‘Women’s Safety And Security Meetup’.

Not All Pull-Pin Safety Devices Are Created Equal

Women's Pull-Pin Safety Devices
Know The Differences In Women’s Pull-Pin Safety Devices

Be sure you know the differences in women’s pull-pin safety devices should you choose one of these portable sound alarms for your personal safety. Not all Pull-Pin Safety Devices are  created equal.

Below I’m sharing what I’ve learned about the distinct differences in two types of pull-pins that may prove beneficial when deciding on a personal alarm safety device. You may choose to carry both.

  1. Pin pulled, alarm sound remains with device it is attached to by the ‘Key Ring’. This may be your car or home keys, or your person if you have ‘Key Ring’ pinned to clothing.
  2. Pin pulled, device is detached from the ‘Key Ring’ and alarm sounds where device is thrown.

Now that you know, choose what works best for you.

Visit ‘Sisterhood Share Shorts’ original video series Safety & Security playlist for more of the same.

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